Wertz  Researchers

by line of ancestry as of  March, 2002


Hans Jacob Wertz, 1705-1775, & Anna Barbara Hoff  (Chapters 2-6)

From Bretten, Baden, Germany to Quincy twp., Franklin Co., Penn.

Wertz Book, pages 9-175;  


Carolyn Cell Choppin,  Choppin.Carolyn@usa.net  ,

P.O. Box 472411, Aurora, CO 80047

Conrad Wertz and Anna Mary Cook  (pages 43,50,51)-J.Cunradt-Hans Jacob

           Editor, Wertz Newsletters; Author of 1990 Wertz book,

Co-Creator of the 1999 Family WERTZ CD


James Coffman,  Jcoffman@JPS.net 

            Grace Emma Beachler-Rachel-Daniel-J.Cunradt-Hans Jacob  



Mary Crisman, martiekr@ameritech.net , Cleveland, Ohio

            Desc. Catherine Wertz Crissman - John  - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob

            desc. of Valentine and Rachel Crissman Wertz


Thomas M. Doyle,  tdoyle@vabch.com , Newprot News, VA

            Great Grandson of  Amanda Wertz Eisenzimer of Paris, Ohio


Bonnie J. Everhart,  bjehart@intrstar.net  ,  Clinton, NC

           Knepper desc. 


John Michael Fisher, goalkeeper@supernet.com ,  Chambersburg, PA

          Desc. Sarah  Wertz Fisher - Jacob - Johannes - Hans Jacob


Donna L. Gardiner,  Donnalor@erols.com  ,   Elkridge, MD

            Alexander - Levi - Jonathan - Jacob - Johannes - Hans Jacob


Nancy Golden, RGolden@desupernet.net , Shippensburg, PA

            Desc. Catherine Wertz Crissman - John  - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Sheila Grogan, grogan@cadvision.com , Calgary, Alberta, Canada

            Rebecca Wertz Whisler - Conrad - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob 


Mary Judith Hummell,  mhummell@zoomnet.net  ,  Bidwell, OH

            Janet Wertz Hamilton>Willis>Jerome>Daniel>J.Cunradt>Hans Jacob


Sally Huntley,  photogskh@aol.com  ,  Pennsauken,NJ

          Elizabeth Wertz Roddy   John  - John - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Richard Hurley, rehurle@lrsdadm.lrsd.k12.ar.us , Little Rock, AR

            Caroline Wertz Lambert Daniel >J.Cunradt>Hans Jacob  from Montgomery Ohio


Lettie Lee,  GENEMOM@aol.com , Fort Meade, Fla.

          Desc. Harriet Wertz Morgan   - Conrad - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Karen Lehn,  Kar0557@aol.com  ,   Bellevue, NE                     

          Eliza Jane Wertz Cunningham - Christian - Andrew - J.Conrad - Hans Jacob


Leigh McDonald,  Krkntiloch@aol.com  ,   Philadelphia, PA

          Rebecca Wertz Kring - John  - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Eilene Moore, Emoorepho@aol.com  ,  Akron, Ohio 

          Hester Wertz Hart  - Christian - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Jeff Nayadley, JFND@Juno.com , Kalona, Iowa

           Cornelius Wertz – Jacob – Peter – J. Conradt – Hans Jacob


Frances O’Connor, forestqueen56@hotmail.com , Forest Hills, NY

          Amanda Wertz Eisenzimer - Conrad - Conrad - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Chris Alwine Paige,  CARFPaige@aol.com  ,  Evergreen CO

          Alwine Relative of John & Susan Berkey  Wertz’ son, William m. Polly Alwine

            Maintains the Conemaugh TWP Section of Somerset Co. PA. Website


Peggy Price,  PPrice3993@aol.com ,   Bonneau Beach, SC

Susan Emminger Emerick, mother of Eliz. Emerich m. David Wertz  -

J.George - Hans Jacob


Anne Rice, Crice@panetworks.net ,

            Elizabeth Oller Wertz>David Maurice>Hiram Emerick>David>J.George>H.J.


Lois Rich, CR44643@alltel.net , Milford, NE  68405

            David A. L. Wertz > David & Eliza Fisher Wertz


Roger J. Sampson, rogersampson@yanoo.com ,  San Ramon, CA

            Ollie/Ole - Henry - George - J.George - Hans Jacob.


Bonnie Schuster, bjanderv@uswest.net , Missoula, MT

Charles - Henry - George - J.George - Hans Jacob


Lauri Shoup, las@mail.microserve.net , Indiana, PA

            Elizabeth Wertz Emminger - Johann George - Hans Jacob


Jerry Snyder,  HollyLane@aol.com  , Lexington, KY

            George Wertz and Catherine Emerick - J.George - Hans Jacob


Philip Swinford, PhilSford@AOL.com,

            Daniel Wertz Jr. & Sallie McKinnon  - Daniel - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Jo Van Tassel,  jovan@moscow.com  ,  Viola, ID

            Magdalena Wertz Hostleton - Andrew - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Paula Zearbaugh Tassen,  dtassen@c-zone.net  ,    Millville, CA

           Daniel Wertz Jr. & Sallie McKinnon  - Daniel - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Dan W. Wertz, DWertz@interaccess.com , Buffalo Grove, IL  60089

            Gerald W. Wertz > Chauncey > George > Daniel > Daniel > J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob


Robert T. Wertz,  Robert.Wertz@med.va.gov , 

          Ora Edward Wertz  . Cornelius . Jacob . Peter . J.Cunradt . Hans Jacob


E.D."Willie" Williams,  Willimouse@aol.com ,  Cameron, NC

            Elizabeth Wertz Emminger - Johann George - Hans Jacob


Sonya Wood,  davewood@paclink.com ,  LaCenter, WA

            Benjamin Harold -Ben.Frank.-Henry-George-Johann George-Hans Jacob


Pam Wyatt,  PJWyatt@industryinet.com , Kenney, Texas 

          Mary Wertz Wissinger - John  - J.Cunradt - Hans Jacob 



Bedford Co., Penn. Wertz   Peter,  Paul, George, Henry; Nicholas, Valentine, Michael … Wertz book, Chapter 7, pages 177-194;  


Charlotte Armour,  Billanchar@aol.com  ,  

Michael & Eve Wertz 


Deborah Cahill Aubespin, Maubespin@aol.com , Louisville, KY

            Franklin Wertz & Martha Bierley > Daniel > George


George and Dorothy E. Bowser,  Bowserd@prodigy.net  , 

Michael & Eve Wertz


Carson Brown,  cbrown@cub.kcnet.org   ,

George & Nancy Christy Wertz 


Mary B. Cargill,  mkbanker@aol.com  , 

Catherine Wertz Amerine -  Peter & Elizabeth Wertz             


Debbie Closey,  Marty1@tir.com ,   Highland, Mich.

              Eve Wertz McVicker, - Peter & Elizabeth Wertz


Mary Crisman,  martiekr@ameritech.net, Cleveland, Ohio

              Valentine & Rachel Crissman Wertz   - Peter & Elizabeth Wertz


Terry Davidson-Ertter,  Steakums@goeaston.net , Easton, Md

              Charles Wertz, b.1888 -  Michael & Eve Wertz


Darla Green, darlagreen@aol.com  ,

               Emanuel Wertz,b.1844 - Nicholas & Diana Wertz


Ramona Householder,  Rhouseholder@worldnet.att.net , Ohio

               2nd Great Granddaughter of Eliza Lorena Wertz


Fred C. Howard,  fredhoward@fuse.net  ,  Mason, OH

              Paul & Catherine Stiffler Wertz 


Teresa Imeli,  zmotorman@juno.com , 

            Hester Wertz Beck - John H. - Paul - Henry and Mary Ann Nagle Wertz.


Margo Knepp,  msnep@vicon.net  , 

              George & Nancy Christy Wertz 


Jerry Miller,  Tanker06@aol.com  ,

Rebeca Wertz Miller  -  prob. Dau. Nicholas & Diana Wertz


Donna Montgomery,  kmontgom@eagle1.eaglenet.com  ,

           Michael & Eve Wertz


Rhonda Whetstone Neibauer, irhonda@charter.net, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 

            Enos & Emaline Wertz - William -  George & Nancy Christy Wertz 


Mark A. O’Neill Jr., mao@csrlink.net , Pittsburgh, PA

           Anna Wertz Bowser - Michael & Eve Wertz  


Nancy Agnew  Peche,  NLPeche@aol.com  ,    San Antonio, Texas

           Elizabeth Wertz Kinton - George & Nancy Christy Wertz


Patti Pearson,    patti@cyberhotline.com ,

            Great Granddaughter of Winfield S. Wertz  - Line of Michael & Eve Wertz


Karen Peto,  katy@sgi.net  ,  OR  katy@stargate.net

            Nancy Wertz Hook - Nicholas & Diana Wertz


Jeff Rinscheid,   DPurple403@aol.com ,   Red Bank, NJ

           William & Miriah Hoover Wertz  - George & Nancy Christy Wertz 


Nancy Rossbacher, editor@nstcivilwar.com ,

            Henry and Mary Ann Nagle Wertz


Gladys Singleton,  single@greater.net  ,

           Michael & Eve Wertz


Elwood Oscar Smith,  eosmithsr@aol.com , Melbourne, FL

            William & Eliz. Boor Wertz - Paul & Catherine Stiffler Wertz


Ford Weicht,  fordandteresa@mindspring.com  ,

           John & Elizabeth Williams Wertz - Paul & Catherine Stiffler Wertz


Michele Winsett,  MJWinsett@aol.com ,  Brea, CA

            Espy - John - Paul - Henry and Mary Ann Nagle Wertz


Beverly Zuerlein,   TheZ@ix.netcom.com   ,  Spring Valley, CA

         George & Nancy Christy Wertz - Thomas & Eve Dibert Wertz 



Lehigh, Adams, Cumberland & Perry Co., Penn. -- Desc. Ulrich & Maria Schmit Wirth:  Sons: J.Jacob, Baltzar, Daniel, Samuel, Ulrich, Christian, Jost,  Dewalt, J. Nicholas. Wertz Book, pages 238-250); GEDCOM #4, News. #9, 10, 11, 19


Kathryn Wirt Bradway,  Earth2WIRT@aol.com  , Las Vegas; NV

           J.George Wert, 1771-1836, and Catherine May  J.Jacob(2)   Ulrich (1)


Odette Brandt, DoBrandt@icehouse.net , Rathdrum, ID  83858

            J. Nicholas Wertz & Margaret Seydel


Shelly Branstrom, littlbit@grandnet.com , Bigfork, MN

            David Wertz m. Ellen Revellee - Peter - Dewalt - Ulrich


Roger Cahill,  rcahill@crtelco.com  ,   Streator, IL

            Marzella Werts Cahill – Elijah - Balser - J.Jacob - Christian - Ulrich


Sarah Clevenger, sclevenger@iquest.net , Blomington, IN

            J.Jacob - Christian - Ulrich


Frank L. Fry, Jr.,  hainesfry@email.msn.com  ,  Boise, Idaho 

            John Wertz m. Mary Fry - Peter - Dewalt - Ulrich


Carolyn Wirt Gearhart, CGearh9630@aol.com  Harrisburg, PA

          John Nicholas Wert m. Margaret Leydel - Ulrich & Maria Schmit Wirth


Sharon Hughbanks,  hughbanks@iquest.net ,  Novlesville, IN

            Arabella Foreman - John Clinton Werts -  J.Jacob - Christian - Ulrich


Charlene Kolterman,(Mrs.Paul D.),   ckknfk@kdsi.net   ,   Norfolk, NE 

                Lydia Ann Wertz Kistler - Peter - Dewalt - Ulrich


Beverley Lane  bnelslane@aol.com  Sycamore, IL

                 Catherine Werts   Schaub  J.Jacob - Christian – Ulrich     


Larry Lien,  LarryLien@earthlink.net ,

            David & Ellen Wertz of Iowa - ??


Lori Deardorff Marquette,  Lorimarque@aol.com  , 

            Catherine Raffensperger - J.Jacob Wertz .  - Ulrich


Bill Parkin, wparkin@erols.com , Oakton, VA

            Saloma Wertz Rider – Marcus Wirtz


Daniel Stevenson,  DCSAPNET@webtv.net  ,  Philadelphia, PA

            James T. Werts,1837-1918 -  John Clinton Werts - J.Jacob - Christian – Ulrich


Kerry E. Wertz, kwertz@pbia.org ,  Lake Worth, FL

            Abraham – Peter – Dewalt - Ulrich


Dave Williams,  boast@cdsnet.net ,    Klamath Falls, OR 

            Catherine Wertz Wolf  Dewalt  Ulrich



Berks  & Northumberland  County Wertz/Verts  --  Johann Casper ; Conrad;  Jacob … etc. Wertz Book, pages 196, 197,  251;    and Newsletters 1 & 3


Darrell P. Berger, dberger@key-net.net ,  Johnsonburg, PA

            William & Lucinda Boughie Wertz   - ?? J.Jacob - Dietrich-Johannes-Casper


George Billman, Billman.1@osu.edu , Columbus, OH

Mary Magdalena Wertz Ranck -      Johann Dietrich - Johannes - J.Casper


Betty L. Bressler,  betty@panetwork.com ,  Duncannon, PA

Mary Emma Wertz Paul - Samuel -John Jacob-Johann Dietrich - Johannes - J.Casper


Denise Frederick,  tfred@freeway,net  , Petoskey,  Emmet County, MI 

John Wertz  m.a.1777, Lehigh Co., PA; children = Lydia, Polly, Elizabeth,

John, Peter


Joan L. Freer,  ivnjon@penn.com ,   Port Allegany, PA


Cinda & Gary Grimm,   ggrimm@tds.net   ,  Dalmatia, PA

        Johannes Wertz, 1783-1861, of Stone Valley, Northumberland Co., PA


Martha Jackson,  genebugg@hotmail.com  , Scottsville, Ky

            Descendant of Tobias Werst, 1793 – 1861 Northampton Co. PA to Indiana


Bob & Sue Messersmith,  susanM4383@aol.com  , Laurel, MD

        Johannes Wertz , of Stone Valley, Lower Mahanoy Twp., Northumberland Co.


Marc Thompson,  fitpro2@juno.com ,  Dillsburg, PA

         Johannes Wertz, b. 1783-1861, of Stone Valley, Northumberland Co., Penn.


Linda Sayre,   sayre484@adelphia.net , Thousand Oaks, CA

Samuel Lewis Werts, b.1824, PA; m. Caroline Barninger in 1843 in Luzerne Co., PA   And went to Logan Co., Ohio a. 1860.  MAYBE James-James-John or Casper-Dietrich…


Shea Seth,  sheasway@webtv.net ,

            Samuel Lewis Werts - MAYBE James-James-John or Casper - Dietrich…


Judy Wilkinson, judymarkw@home.com , Portland, OR 

            Jacob Wertz m. Anna Houser - (maybe) George - ??


Hugh Williams, Hugh_Williams@asi.com , Hillsborough, NJ

            Johannes Wertz and Susanna Giessman



Lancaster  and Huntingdon Co., Penn.  -  Johann Frederick Wurtz

 (page 198 & N.28, p.4 & #31)


W.B.(Buddy) Kennedy, grumpy35@localaccess.net,  Guntersville, AL

            Mary Wertz Pringle  - Johann Frederick


John Linhart,  JPLIN@aol.com   ,  Cincinnati, Ohio

              Susan Garn - Mary Wertz Pringle  - Johann Frederick


Diann Olsen, diann@erols.com,  Clifton, VA 

            Mary Wertz Pringle  - Johann Frederick


Robert E. Troup,  BobbyTrap@aol.com   Camp Hill, PA

              Mary Wertz Pringle - Johann Frederick


Lloyd D. Wertz,  Lloydwertz@aol.com  ,  Boxford, MA

               Amos K. Wertz, 1854-1916, & Barbara Shank - ??



York & Blair County, Penn. Wertz. Wentz  -   Jacob, Johannes,  Heinrich, Adam, etc. Wertz Book, pages 205-206;  and  Newsletters. #1, 4, 6, 18, 21


Carol Botteicher, Botteicher@aol.com ,  Sioman, PA

            George W.Wertz - John - ??


(Mary) Phyllis From, Prunes5@aol.com , Long Beach, CA

            Jacob & Ruth Baird Wertz - Johan Jacob -Hans Martin


Linda Hillman,  RFHLJH@email.msn.com  ,  Islip Terrace, NY            

            Solomon  Wertz, 1814-1874, & Mary Ann Bouslough - J.Jacob - Hans Martin


Bill Parkin, WParkin@erols.com , Oakton, VA

            Saloma Wertz Ryder > Marcus


Debra Wertz, (Mrs.Darrell), DebWertz@hotmail.com , York , Penn.

           Adam Wertz & Elizabeth Hoffman of York Co., Penn. - ???




Frederick Co., Md. & Loudoun Co., Va  -  William & Anna Catherine

Wertz/Virtz  Wertz Book, pages 207 & Chapter 11, pages 265-269;

and Newsletters #4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22


Irene Eastwood,  eastwood@sound.net , KS

            Henry Raymond – John Henry – Henry – Christian - Johannes - Conrad –



Jim Gray, Alden2000@homestead.com ,  Okmulgee, OK

            Mary Wertz Gray - William - Phillip Peter - Conrad – Wilhelm



Linda Lou Goldsberry, Lamoose@netusa1.net , Walton ID

            Andrew & Anna Wertz


Donna House, Klear@prodigy.net  ,  Allen, TX 

           William Wertz, 1763/5-1849, m. Elizabeth Bowers  - Philip Peter - Wilhelm


Kay Loveland, karut@aol.com , Columbia, SC

            Emma Virts Williams – Cornelius – Conrad – Peter – Wilhelm


Clare Findley Magbee, tiafind@aol.com,  Atlanta, GA

            David & Matilda Custer Wort - Johannes - Conrad - Wilhelm


Adrienne Pilz, apilz@juno.com,  Sonora, Ca


Pat Schenk, Schenkfam@aol.com  ,  Grand Rapids, MI


Gary Virts,  LoudounVa@aol.com  ,   14852 Berlin Pike, Purcellville, VA 20132  N

                Has over 10,000 descendants in his files; Visit his website


David Werts,  ddwerts@aol.com ,  Long Beach, CA    

              Jacob Henry - George Peter Jr. & Sr. - Philip Peter - Wilhelm


Dale Wertz,  wertz1usa@netscape.net  , 



Switzerland  to  Bucks Co., Penn. & New Jersey  Wirz/Wurts Families

Johannes Conrad Wirz, 1706-1763, & Anna Goetschius

Wertz Book, chapter 8, pages 211-220;  and Newsletter 18


Sidney S. Castle,  scastle@mail.albany.net ,  Catskill, NY

            Goetschius desc. of Hudson Valley N.Y.; will research ALL Hudson Valley Wertz


Reed  M. W.  Wurts,  Reed_Wurts@prodigy.net  ,   Wayne, PA 




 Lykens Vallen, Dauphin Co., Penn. – John Adam Wirt, 1727- 1830

& Eva Elizabeth Schnug Wertz Book, Chapter 9, pages 221-237, 

Newsletters 2, 3, 6, 7


Jonathan M. Wert,   jwert@mdi-wert.com   , Port Royal, PA  (N)

Jonathan Wirt/Wert, b.1814, m. Catherine Derrick & Catherine Elizabeth Pines.  



Kathleen Odom,  knko2@mci2000.com , 

            Dau. of Woodrow Wilson Wert 



Emigrants after 1800


Stacey Gustafson, stacey247@hotmail.com ,  Carmichael, CA

            Desc. Adam Wertz, b. 1826/27, Baden, Germany;  m. Eliz. Hess: to PA - 1858


Walter Heidenreiich,  heidy@iThink.net  ,   Lakeland, FL

              Desc. Johann Matthaus Wirth Jr. & Sr., b.a.1800/25, Altdorf, Bavaria, Germany


J. Hughes,  jhughes@changesurfer.com  ,   Storrs, CT

           John Wertz, 1788-1873, & Anna; Switzerland to Fairfield Co., Ohio


Emil Krause,  eek620@tznet.com  , 

Catherine Wirtz Brockman, b.1882 Trier, Germany, emigrated 1892  - Peter Wirtz


Pat Wertz Sanders,   pat@choralmusic.com   2924 Coatbridge Lane, Birmingham,

AL  35242


Cindy Heisler-Taylor = Mrs. John E. Taylor, Jr. ;   jetj@bright.net   ,

Caroline Dorothy Wertz Freyman, > Herny Wertz, a.1781-1831, Germany  (Caroline and brother John P. Wertz emigrated in 1840 to Morgan Co., OH)


Joan Taylor, JHTaylor@prodigy.net ,Tulsa OK

            Valentine Wurtz, 1846, Bavaria – 1922, Buffalo, NY


George F. Wertz,  George.Wertz@scismail.sci.com  , 

Desc.   Wilh. & Katharina/Catherine Britshone/Britcheau Wertz; Preussen in 1889 to Chicago


John C. Wertz,  JWertz@san.rr.com

            Fairfield Co. OH Wertz’es





Unattached – Ohio with ties to PA


Brian Bauer,  rbull@facstaff.wisc.edu   ,   Madison, WI

Desc. Anna Maria Wurz, b.1819,PA; m.1838/40 in Brown Co., Ohio to Peter Bauer    ROOTS WEBMASTER


Cindy Hufford, Cyn0516@earthlink,net ,  Lexington, SC OHIO Wertz coordinator;

setting up Ohio Wertz Web page


Jim Lewis,  jbarlew@axs4u.net ,  Seguim, TX

            James Wert & Elizabeth of Logan Co., Ohio


Linda Sayre,  sayre@gte.net ,  Thousand Oaks, CA

Samuel Lewis Werts, b.1824, PA; m. Caroline Barninger in 1843 in Luzerne Co., PA  And went to Logan Co., Ohio a. 1860.   (MAYBE connect to Northumberland Co., PA)


Paul Wertz, plwertz@bellsouth.net ,

             Ben.Franklin Wertz Sr., b.1806, PA; m.1833, Ohio? To Margaret Hubler



Unattached – unknown PA ties


Teresa Adams, adams.teresa@worldnet.att.net ,  Pacolet, SC

            Harriet Wirt/Wirtz oler – Nicholas Wirt and Lydia Clark


Sharla  (WERTZ)  --??--  ,   sharla@jupiterent.com   ,

               Data not sent – June 1998


Debbie Closey,   marty1@tir.com  ,  

               Peter & Eve  Wertz


Geri Darr, geridarr@earthlink.net ,                          


Richard Deckard,  richard.Deckard@cox.com  ,  Roswell, near Atlanta, GA

Jane Wertz Walborn, 1824-1904;  Parents from Amsterdam ; husband from Snyder Co., PA  Jennie Wertz Morrison, 1859-1929, of Adams Co., Penn.

            Annie Wertz Harter; husband from Cumberland Co., Penn.


Karen Koontz Horton,  Kerin@bedford.net  , 

            4 misc. Wertz….


Mike G. Kelley,   mkelley@gte.net  ,   Wenatchee, WA

            Elizabeth Wertz Batdorf, 1840-1925;  (no places given – June 1998

            Otto Wertz m. Amanda Batdorf                                            

            Susan Jane Wertz  Walborn, 1824-1924;                            


Margaret C. Lew,  mclew@netcom.com   ,  San Francisco, CA

            Barbara Wuertzin, b.a.1690, Canton Basel-land, Switzerland; m. Anthoni

Rueger,  Emigrated in 1737 to Hardy Co., Virginia 


Betty Jane Shepherd, bjshep@cct.infi.net , Lineboro, MD

Joseph Wirt, 1809-1875/77, m.a.1839 to Sarah Sivain/Savian; of Philadelphia, PA and/or 

Camden, N.J. 


Margaret Stroud, MargStroud@aol.com , Chesapeake, VA

            Anna Wertz & John Voyer of Berks & Chester Co., PA


Jan Suffren,  JanSuffren@aol.com  ,  Fairfax, VA

Israel C. Wertz, b.a.1865/70; m. Olive Pearl Shettel, 1870-1909, of Cumberland

Co., PA


Lyn (Wertz) Tourtellotte,  Ltourtell@aol.com  , 

                Data not sent – June 1998


Aden Wertz,  wertza@emh1.pz.net   ;

              Son of Harold A. Wertz Jr., Indian Caverns, Spruce Creek, PA


Chali Wertz,  ChaliMouse@aol.com  , 

                 Wertz in Denver, Colorado


Dale Wertz,  love_buzz_69@hotmail.com  , 

                 Data not given – June 1998


Karen Wertz,  karen_w@bcscpa.com  ,  Johnson City, TN 

                Harvey E. Wertz, d. 1980; son of Elmer H. Wertz of Pine Grove, PA


Matt Wertz,  mwertz@mailexcite.com  , 

                   Data  not given  - June 1998




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